Cannabis, Our central nervous system (CNS) is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves.
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, unpredictable disease of the central nervous system (CNS), It is thought to be an immune-mediated disorder, in which the immune system incorrectly attacks healthy tissue in the CNS.

MS can cause many symptoms, including tremors, numbness, extreme fatigue, problems with memory and concentration, blurred vision, and loss of balance. These problems may come and go or persist and worsen over time.
Multiple Sclerosis statistics show some terrifying numbers. More than two and a half million people suffer from this terrible illness around the globe. In the US alone, this number is four hundred thousand. The same stats show that women are two times more the ones that suffer from multiple sclerosis.
The good news is that Cannabis shows promise to help and soothe the symptoms of this illness. Now as the once-illegal market becomes legal and mainstream in more parts of the world, any patient can take advantage of new technologies that offer other healthier ways to consume and promote the medical properties of Cannabis. For example, they can buy Super Sour Haze, one of the strains that are said to relieve the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and make everyday life easier.
But How Does Cannabis Help Exactly?
Here is a list of the basic benefits one can get from using cannabis as a medicine:
Pain and muscles spasms
Multiple Sclerosis comes with awful pain. Moreover, patients have to live with annoying muscle spasms and Inflammation. Cannabinoids (the chemicals that Cannabis creates) can offer some relief against pain and inflammation and calm the spasms of one’s muscles. Cannabinoids do that by connecting to the endocannabinoid system that every human has. They work with our cannabinoid receptors to fight the symptoms.
Depression Stress and Anxiety
Cannabis is used for thousands of years to improve symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety. It is already known that the human body naturally produces its own cannabinoids. Scientists have proven that when these chemical compounds are in low quantity(deficiency) symptoms of Stress and Depression appear.
Brain/ Central nervous system and inflammation
Several studies have demonstrated neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. Cannabinoids have shown significant promise in basic experiments on pain and brain activities. For example, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has been shown to possess a high binding affinity with CB1 receptors located throughout the brain and central nervous systems. Cannabis acts as a protector of our nervous system and the human brain cells by decreasing the production of cytokines. In that way the inflammation is getting limited and the functions of our brain get protected.
Blurred vision/Uncontrolled eye movement
Problems in vision are very common for people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. Blurred vision is usually the result of inflammation. Cannabinoids are potent anti-inflammatory agents and help improve eyesight by targeting inflammation. Recent studies have indicated that there is a wide acceptance of cannabis within the MS community, with 20–60% of people with MS currently using cannabis, and 50–90% would consider usage if it were legal and more scientific evidence was available.
Sleep deprivation
Multiple Sclerosis as previously mentioned creates a painful and irritating situation for the patient. As a result of the pain combined with all those annoying symptoms that come with it makes it very difficult to sleep. This is where Cannabis comes to play a vital role, by relaxing the patient and helping him to sleep. One of the most well-known effects of Cannabis is its soothing and relaxing properties. Sleep is a natural way for any organism to heal itself. When our body and mind rest, it can help us recover our energy and strength in order to naturally fight illness.
Cannabis has been known for thousands of years for helping people suffering from abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and constipation. Moreover, Cannabis acts as an appetite stimulant and that’s the reason that many cancer patients are using it (also for quelling nausea, suppressing vomiting, and relieving pain). The digestive system is additionally helped by the beneficial anti-inflammatory properties of Cannabis.